Wednesday 4 May 2011

Jabberwocky Comment- I.S.

"Twas Brillig, and slithy toves,
Did Gyre and Gimble in the wabe,
All mimsy were the borogoves,
and the mome raths out grabe."
The poem "Jabberwocky" is a very creative and imaginative poem for me. I imagine the Jabberwocky as colourful animals, with eyes like fire. I imagine the with claws the size spearheads when it said, "the claws that catch," and teeth like knives when it said, "the jaws that bite." I imagine the bird like a phoenix but much much bigger. The first verse of the poem brings a feeling that everything is soothing but then comes the jabberwocky and everbody is sacred. After the monster is slaided the first verse is repeated and you get the feeling that peace was restored. When he poem stated that the boy had killed the monster it givves you the idea that ethier the boy is very brave and strong or the monster wasn't as strong as he looked.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought of the Jabberwocky as more of a dragon, but the picture you have does seem to fit the poem very well.
