Wednesday 4 May 2011

J.S. Jaberwocky Comment

This picture really comes to mind when I think of the jabberwock, because of when the poem states "jaws that bite and claws that catch." You know that it most likely refers to a big horrific monster that can most likely eat you in one gulp SNAP your gone! Also when you here "beware the Jaberwock my son" that says to you plain and simple that he is big, he is scary and he is ferocious. When the poem starts off with "Twas brillig, and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe all mimsy were the borogroves, and the mome that raths outgrabe," you can assume that is referring to to long slimy claws and a monster that does all these strange things in all these different places in the small forest. Although what does come to mind me when reading part of the second last stanza and it says that the boy carried the jabberwock head home in triumph, it does refer to the fact the head would be small, but it is a contradicting statement, because earlier in the poem, you hear "he took the vorpal sword in hand:" means that the jabberwock was huge, because if the jabberwock was small, a knife would probably be more than enough. But I can say this is an amazing poem and is definitely meant to be read out loud, because of the quality of the words and the emotions this poem evokes. I noticed in this poem there was a lot of rhyming; also there was some old speech with other different forms of speech, old English perhaps. Also the words were descriptive and Lewis Carol used some odd words you will not here every day, and even words that do not exist!! But overall this poem is creative and brings pictures rushing through my mind!

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