Wednesday 4 May 2011

Jabberwocky Comment by A.O.

I think that this picture looks like to the Jabberwocky because it fits the discription of having "The jaws that bite, the claw that catch!". It also has "eyes of flame" and a head that looks like it would be a fair size to go "galumphing back" with to his father. I also chose these pictures below the Jabberwock because I also wanted to show what I thought was the Jubjub Bird and the Bandersnatch look like.

Jabberwocky                                                                      Jubjub Bird


  1. WTF??????!!!!!??????

  2. i absolutely adore the jubjub bird!!!!
    <3 you, jubjub!!!!!

  3. Wow, amazing art. The jubjub bird looks amazing! I needed a picture for a school project, keep up the great work!!! (:

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