Wednesday 4 May 2011

Jabberwocky Comment by L.I.

These are ideas about what a jabberwock might look like. The interesting dragon-like creature wrapped around the tree seems fierce, like what the poem implies the jabberwock might look like. The creature has "claws that catch" and "jaws that bite", and those eyes look like they're cruel or "flaming". The picture to the left does not have "claws that catch", but it did catch my eye as an interesting creature, a fierce predator, and mythical, just like the poem Jabberwocky seemed like to me. I liked this poem, with its rhyming scheme that keeps you interested although it is hard to interpret the meaning while you listen to it read aloud. All the words bind together, becoming one interesting peace of artwork. It is really amazing, what Lewis Carrol did with the words. To have them flow with each other like that, like a river of words.

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