Wednesday 4 May 2011

J.S. Picture Poem

A Swiftly Tilting Planet
What is never ending life?
360 spin all year round never falling to the ground
little needles pricking touch
not one not two there are too much,
Never resting always working,
slowly, slowly, slowly jerking
In the still bitter wind

360 spin all year round never falling to the ground
repersenting Jesus Christ
how he was born on  one damp night
On christmas eve we all rejoiced
Halliauh! Angels voiced
but what does religion bring to trees?
the love the tenderness and the churning seas

have you seen never ending life?
in human hearts or in Jesus Christ?
The syrup is as sweet as sugar
but yet as tough as a military hooker

360 spin all year round never falling to the ground
perfect petite pine
Still life that was mine
a million dollar possesion and prize
still life that brings tears to my eyes

That is never ending life

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