Wednesday 4 May 2011

Jabberwocky Comment by M.F.S.

Although this may look like a harmless creature it is actually my interpretation of the Jabberwock. Sometimes the simplest creatures hold a secret that their enemies only discover too late. Badgers have jaws that have a grip that no animal has escaped. Also badgers are great diggers so badgers are skilled in the use of their advantage. In the series "Redwall", badgers are often in the heat of battle given red eyes that make them nearly invincible in battle. I think that covers the  "eyes of flame" description.
Since the poem "Jabberwocky" is not too specific of the details of this creature that may or may not exist there could be thousands of different  possibilities on the looks of this creature and the only one to  know what the Jabberwock looks like is its creator, Lewis Carroll.
Lewis Carroll wrote the Alice adventure series which the first book of has been turned into a well liked movie. The poem reminds me of the book because they show a young child having fanciful adventures in an unknown land slaying mystical creatures that are full of surprises and danger with the child inevitably winning and saving the day from the creatures that the writer Lewis Carroll made.

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